1000 Museum’s Exoskeleton Preps For June Groundbreaking
Curbed Miami
by Sean McCaughan
[Images via One Thousand Museum]
As the June groundbreaking of Zaha Hadid’s One Thousand Museumquickly approaches, the architects and engineers are planning, and designing, and mocking-up various parts of the tower, including the exoskeleton. Public relations people sent over these few images showing the process, and just how much of literally a massive, almost brutalist, thick-as-hell block of concrete we’re talking here. It almost looks like it was just chiseled out of the earth rather than poured, showing just how wild this exoskeleton idea really is. But this massiveness actually creates a delicate lightness and transparency.
“The tall, slender tower is rigid, stiff and hurricane resistant while allowing for the interior floor plates to be almost column free (this gives buyers maximum variation in floor plans). Behind the exoskeleton the architects created a folded, crystal-like façade that contrasts with the solidity of the exoskeleton. This will create an effect that is similar to a diamond sparkling in the light.”
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