Phase II Renderings Drop Of Related’s New River Yacht Club
Curbed Miami
by Sean McCaughan
Curbed reader writes in with purported renderings of Phase II of the Related Group’s New River Yacht Club, which appeared on SkyscraperCity, and is the missing link of the Riverwalk. The building will allegedly be 435 feet tall, and 36 floors. Seven of those floors will be parking, and the tower will have 349 residential units. Meanwhile, Curbed has independent confirmed that the building will be situated along the river (which one can also see in the renderings) where a marina is now, next to the New River Yacht Club Phase I, which recently topped off.
Presuming that the neighboring Marina Lofts project doesn’t get waylaid again, by another giant tree or something, and the real estate market doesn’t implode in the meantime, this project will mean the linking of the two halfs of the Riverwalk on the New River’s southern bank, which is kind of a big deal for a major civic project that’s been coming together for decades and that will show the City of Miami down south what itcould do if it got its act together with its River Walk. We don’t mean to stoke the flames of competition between these two cities, but wait, yes we do.
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