The Coconut Grove Playhouse Could Be Restored To Glory
Curbed Miami
[Renderings Via Richard Heisenbottle]
Architect Richard Heisenbottle, FAIA presented plans to restore the Coconut Grove Playhouse, from the derelict historical drama of its former self back to the glory it once was, to the Dade Heritage Trust at a recent meeting. It can be done! The facade and historic auditorium would be restored, with a new stage house, a new 200 seat black box theater, a parking garage, and retail, restaurant space, and offices within the historic building. The problemo, according to an email from Mr. Heisenbottle, is that in order for Miami-Dade County to restore the theater they need to receive it as a donation from the state of Florida, not a sale because as a condo tower development site that land is worth mucho, mucho moolah. And ain’t nobody but condo kings got that kinda money.
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